+43 1 535 17 70

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1. The environment:

min 0C
max 0C
stationer container

2. Work with the external network:

parallel autonomic

3. Electro energy consumption:

Minimal/maximal load
yes no
Avaliability of consumers:
yes no
yes no

4. Heat consumption:

yes no
Hot water supply:
*Please attached daily graphics fort he heating and water supply (winter/summer).

5. Steam power:

yes no

6. Need in the heating supply fort the technological purposes (kW):

7. Kind of the fuel:

* Please attach characteristics and consist of the engine.

8. Centralized tariffs (VAT is excluded):

9. Tariffs on the energy carriers (VAT is excluded):

10. Information about the company

yes no
Short description of the building/room:
yes no
yes no
yes no
yes no
yes no
yes no
yes no
*Please attach the general plan of the enterprise with the pointed place for the cogeneration unit instalment, distribution instrument, targeted buildings for the electro and heat energy supply and also the plan of the building where cogeneration unit should be assembled.

11. Water supply sources:

11.1 Discription of the water from the water supply system

12. Avaliability of the electrical pre-distribution:

yes no
yes no
*Please attach the existing plan of the enterprise electrical supply system

13. Availability of the Cogeneration unit gas pipeline connected to the building

yes no

14. Availability of the water chemical purification system

yes no
Steps: Capacity, m3/h Regidity, mg/aeq/l РН

15. Avaliability of the purification constructions:

yes no

16. Need in the cold water supply:

yes no