Our customer is always in the spotlight!
Our company is one of the leading producers of cogeneration plants offering all range of services.
Projects and equipment are customized. Availability of maintenance function allows promptly settling of issues associated with technical maintenance and repair.
Turnkey Construction of Power Plants
Our company provides all range of services for designing, delivery and production of equipment, and assembly of power plants. We implement turnkey projects. “Austro Energy Systems” manages projects thus sufficiently minimizing risks for the customers, minimizing construction terms of the power plant and enhancing general quality of performed works. Such relationships between the customer and the contractor presuppose maximum level of responsibility of the later. Besides, project implementation plan becomes more transparent, which sufficiently facilitates promotion of investments and credit resources.
Implementation of projects with AES means optimal lead time and constant progress control, searching for and finding the best suppliers, delivering accessory equipment to construction site, quality control and management at all construction stages, as well as quality warranty above all.

Energy Audit
“Austro Energy System” experts perform pre-project research and advise the customer on the most energy efficient solutions in power supply domain. Pre-project analysis allows significant minimization of the risk associated with taking of wrong decisions, objective assessment of situation at the earliest planning stages, and is the most important stage preceding designing of mini cogeneration plant.

Having in disposal all necessary resources, “Austro Energy Systems” offers engineering services to various companies and organizations, of which:
- Preparation of technical specifications;
- Preparation of development schemes, technical and economic grounds for construction of energy sites;
- Preparation of expense budgets, financial assistance and management of expenditures;
- Research and development activity;
- Engineering and exploratory works for project construction;
- Development of technical projects and shop drawings for construction of new and for reconstruction of already operating energy sites;
- Designing of equipment and container spaces for installation thereof, including performance of related research, research and development works, tests, and preparation of technical specifications;

Production and Delivery of Equipment
“Austro Energy Systems” supplies wide range of equipment for electric industry.
We produce and deliver cogeneration units, including gas reciprocating and turbine power plants, gas purification and preparation systems, constant power supply sources, heat disposal systems with steam and hot water boilers, and steam screw-type facilities. All equipment passes mandatory testing for compliance with project specifications. Our long-term experience allows ensuring pre-assembly of complex energy equipment within the short time.

Assembly and Supervised Installation
For successful installation of equipment, “Austro Energy Systems” offers services of its professional engineers upon installation and commissioning of the equipment, including:
- Performance of necessary tests;
- Pre-commissioning works;
- Commissioning of the equipment;

Staff Training
Qualified servicing of mini cogeneration plants, gas engines, current generators and cogeneration units of “Austro Energy Systems” significantly extends their service life and enhances operational effectiveness.
Therefore, trainings and seminars held by specialists of “Austro Energy Systems” offer provision of practical and theoretical skills. As a result, stuff passing such trainings would be able to solely operate cogeneration units and perform ordinary technical maintenance works.

Service Maintenance
Our company offers the most advantageous terms for maintenance of the equipment within a short time, delivery of spare parts and consumables, and ensures rendering of the complete set of maintenance services.
Within the scope of maintenance services, “Austro Energy Systems” undertakes to provide:
- Qualified personnel;
- Original spare parts;
- Certified materials required for performance of servicing;
We provide warranty for all works performed and for all spare parts installed during maintenance services.

Financing and Leasing
Our company has an individual approach with each client and provides financial assistance of the projects. Our partners are leading financial institutions providing various financial services allowing purchasing of cogeneration units and other products of our company upon advantageous conditions.
We are interested in your success and, thus, we are always ready to settle your financial issues!
Financing types:
- Project financing of turnkey power plants;
- Financial leasing;
- Financing with raising of foreign investments;
- European export project financing;
- Financing of joint ventures;